Pink Lady Skinny Detox Power Juice

by 08:20 0 comments
There is nothing quite like fresh squeezed juice to get your motor running in an alkalizing and detoxifying way. Our Pink Lady juice comprises the very best of the crop in fruit for detoxing and an energy boost—Honeycrisp or Pink Lady Apples, Ruby Red Grapefruit and Red Raspberries. So refreshing!

The Ultimate Detox Juice:
Pink Lady Skinny Detox Power Juice

Simple. Healthy. Refreshing. Three (3) ingredients. Exquisite taste. The “cream of the crop” in nutrient-rich, detoxifying fruits and berries. And, it’s pink.
I know, I know. This is the season of “green juicing” and “green smoothies” and all. Everywhere you look, there they are! While the recipes are incredible ones, and the health benefits cannot be disputed, I am here to be different. So, pink it is!
Honest, I didn’t enhance these photos by punching up the color in editing. It’s just pure Mother Nature shining through in a brilliant, absolutely radiant hue of hot pink. Due to its color and beyond satisfying taste, this juice just brings a smile to my face each time I make it and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
So, today I present to you the Pink Lady Skinny Detox Power Juice. Wait. Why such a long title for a simple 3-ingredient juice recipe, you ask? Well… Pink Lady is obviously due to its color as well as if you go with Pink Lady apples to make this recipe. No brainer there. But, it is also the regal name this juice deserves, in my humble opinion. Skinny is because this juice will rev up your metabolism like nobody’s business to burn unwanted body fat. Detox because this particular combination of fruits and berries has known detoxification properties. And… Power due to the sheer amount of energy this juice provides in addition to essential nutrients that will feed your body’s cells for overall health and vitality—not to mention the cancer-fighting properties. It’s a powerhouse. Pink. Power. People!


  • 1 large ruby red grapefruit, peeled and chopped
  • 2 medium to large Honeycrisp or Pink Lady (red) apples, cored and sliced
  • 1 6-ounce (170 grams) package red raspberries, rinsed and dried
  • Optional Ingredients & Supplies
  • Ice cubes
  • Chilled 12-ounce glass
  • Drinking straws
  • Fresh berries and sliced fruit, for garnish
  • Sprigs of fresh mint or basil, for garnish
Using a juicer, process grapefruit first. Then follow with the apples and raspberries. Skim any unwanted foam from the top and discard. Whisk and pour into chilled glasses, over ice if desired. Garnish as desired with fresh berries and fruit as well as a fresh sprig of mint or basil. Insert straw and serve immediately.
Select the freshest organic fruits and berries for the ultimate in health benefits.
When preparing grapefruit, leave most of the white fiber surrounding the sections (not the bitter white outer pith) intact as it contains pectin and bioflavonoids which help the body to absorb Vitamin C. These phytonutrients also strengthen the body’s capillaries supporting overall circulation and thus enhancing the skin and facial complexion.
Leftover juice? Freeze into ice cubes for cocktails or popsicles for a refreshing treat!
The cook time above indicates juicing time.



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